CT 12.2: 6x New Ships - Tiers V - X European Researchable Destroyer Branch

new ships

CT 12.2: 6x New Ships - Tiers V - X European Researchable Destroyer Branch

A branch of European destroyers has been added to the game for 12.2 closed testing.
At the upcoming closed testing session, a branch of European destroyers will be added to the game.
The ships have a solid stock of HP and are armed with fast-reloading main battery guns with a good firing range. From Tier VIII, the guns have flat ballistics. Their torpedoes have high speed, but low damage and range.
The new destroyers have medium speed and high visibility. The available consumables are Smoke Generator and Engine Boost, and starting from Tier VIII, ships can use a special Surveillance Radar with a fast reload time but a very short action time.
flag  V Muavenet - European Destroyer
In 1938, Turkey ordered four ships of the latest I-class from Great Britain. But two of them, including Muavenet, were purchased by Great Britain when World War II broke out. Muavenet, which became HMS Inconstant, began service in the Metropolitan Fleet, then was transferred to the Eastern Fleet, where she participated in amphibious operations on Madagascar. In the summer of 1942, the ship took part in convoys to Malta. Later, the destroyer fought in the Atlantic, where she escorted northern convoys and provided cover for the Normandy landing. In 1946, the ship was returned to Turkey, where she again acquired the name Muavenet - in honor of the destroyer Muâvenet-i Millîye, which sank the British battleship Goliath during the Gallipoli campaign of World War I.
Hit points – 11900
Plating - 10 mm
Main battery - 4x1 120 mm
Firing range - 10.5 km
Reload time - 5.0 s
180 degree turn time - 18.0 s
Maximum dispersion - 94 m
Sigma – 2.00.
Maximum HE shell damage – 1700
HE shell armor penetration - 20 mm
Chance to cause fire – 8%
HE initial velocity - 808 m/s
Maximum AP shell damage - 2100
AP initial velocity - 808 m/s
Depth charges:
Maximum damage - 5000.0
Number of charges - 2
Bombs in a charge - 5
Reload time - 40.0 s
Torpedo tubes - 1x4 533 mm
Maximum damage - 6200
Range - 6.0 km
Speed - 72 kt
Reload time - 75 s
Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s
Torpedo detectability - 1.6 km
AA defense: 
AA defense short-range 2x1 20.0 mm - 4x2 20.0 mm:
continuous damage per second - 123
hit probability - 95 %
action zone - 2.0 km
Maximum speed - 35.5 kt
Turning circle radius - 540 m
Rudder shift time – 3.1 s
Surface detectability – 6.6 km
Air detectability – 2.6 km
Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 2.4 km
Available consumables:
  • 1 slot - Damage Control Party 
  • 2 slot - Smoke Generator 
  • 3 slot - Engine Boost

flag  VI Stord - European Destroyer
With the outbreak of World War II, Great Britain launched the mass construction of destroyers in batches of eight. As a rule, all of them had four single-gun mounts of 102-120mm guns and one or two four-tube torpedo launchers. Two of them were transferred to the Norwegian Navy and received the names Stord and Svenner. Stord entered service in September 1943. In 1943–44. the ship participated in operations in the North Atlantic and escorted polar convoys. During the Battle of the North Cape, Stord took part in the sinking of German battleship Scharnhorst. In 1944, the destroyer participated in covering the landings in Normandy, and then returned to escorting convoys to the USSR. After the war, Stord became the flagship of the Norwegian Navy.
Hit points – 11900
Plating - 16 mm
Main battery - 4x1 120 mm
Firing range - 11.0 km
Reload time - 4.0 s
180 degree turn time - 18.0 s
Maximum dispersion - 98 m
Sigma – 2.00
Maximum HE shell damage – 1700
HE shell armor penetration - 20 mm
Chance to cause fire – 8%
HE initial velocity - 808 m/s
Maximum AP shell damage - 2100
AP initial velocity - 808 m/s
Depth charges:
Maximum damage - 2400.0
Number of charges - 2
Bombs in a charge - 8
Reload time - 40.0 s
Torpedo tubes - 2x4 533 mm
Maximum damage - 7533
Range - 6.0 km
Speed - 72 kt
Reload time - 75 s
Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s
Torpedo detectability - 1.6 km
AA defense:
AA defense short-range 4x2 20.0 mm:
continuous damage per second - 84
hit probability - 95 %
action zone - 2.0 km
AA defense mid-range 1x2 40.0 mm:
continuous damage per second - 35
hit probability - 100 %
action zone - 3.5 km
Maximum speed - 36.8 kt
Turning circle radius - 590 m
Rudder shift time – 3.0 s
Surface detectability – 7.0 km
Air detectability – 3.0 km
Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 2.6 km
Available consumables:
  • 1 slot - Damage Control Party
  • 2 slot - Smoke Generator
  • 3 slot - Engine Boost

flag  VII Grom - European Destroyer
Grom and BÅ‚yskawica entered service in 1937, becoming the strongest European destroyers of their time after the latest French ones. With the imminent outbreak of World War II, the destroyers broke through the Baltic to Britain to help escort wartime supply convoys to Poland. However, the convoys were never organized due to the rapid fall of Poland, and Grom came under the command of the British fleet, with which she took part in the Norwegian campaign. On May 4, 1940, Grom was hit by a bomb in the torpedo tube, which caused the torpedoes to detonate. The ship sank within three minutes.
Hit points – 15500
Plating - 16 mm
Main battery - 1x1 120 mm, 3x2 120 mm
Firing range - 10.9 km
Reload time - 6.0 s
180 degree turn time - 18.0 s
Maximum dispersion - 97 m
Sigma – 2.00
Maximum HE shell damage – 1700
HE shell armor penetration - 20 mm
Chance to cause fire – 8%
HE initial velocity - 900 m/s
Maximum AP shell damage - 2200
AP initial velocity - 900 m/s
Depth charges:
Maximum damage - 2800.0
Number of charges - 2
Bombs in a charge - 6
Reload time - 40.0 s
Torpedo tubes - 2x3 533 mm
Maximum damage - 7533
Range - 6.0 km
Speed - 72 kt. Reload time - 75 s
Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s
Torpedo detectability - 1.6 km
AA defense:
AA defense short-range 4x2 13.2 mm:
continuous damage per second - 46
hit probability - 95 %
action zone - 1.5 km
AA defense mid-range 2x2 40.0 mm:
continuous damage per second - 88
hit probability - 100 %
action zone - 3.5 km
Maximum speed - 39.0 kt
Turning circle radius - 610 m
Rudder shift time – 4.3 s
Surface detectability – 7.0 km
Air detectability – 3.1 km
Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 2.6 km
Available consumables:
  • 1 slot - Damage Control Party 
  • 2 slot - Smoke Generator 
  • 3 slot - Engine Boost

flag  VIII Split - European Destroyer
In the 1930s By order of the Yugoslav Navy, French specialists designed a large destroyer based on Le Fantasque. The boiler and turbine plant was purchased in the UK, and the fire control system in France. Split, named after the city in which it was built, was laid down in 1939 and was to be armed with five Czechoslovak 140 mm guns. In 1941, the city of Split was captured by the Italians, who decided to complete the construction of the ship. In 1943 the destroyer was renamed Spalato and launched. After the capitulation of Italy, the ship was run aground right in the port. In 1948, Yugoslavia returned to work on the ship, but it was no longer possible to receive weapons from Czechoslovakia, and Split was instead completed with British-American weapons. The ship entered service in 1959, becoming the flagship of the fleet.
Hit points – 16600
Plating - 19 mm
Main battery - 5x1 140 mm
Firing range - 11.3 km
Reload time - 4.0 s
180 degree turn time - 18.0 s
Maximum dispersion - 100 m
Sigma – 2.00
Maximum HE shell damage – 2000
HE shell armor penetration - 23 mm
Chance to cause fire – 10%
HE initial velocity - 840 m/s
Maximum AP shell damage - 2700
AP initial velocity - 840 m/s
Depth charges:
Maximum damage - 1700.0
Number of charges - 2
Bombs in a charge - 5
Reload time - 40.0 s
Torpedo tubes - 2x3 533 mm
Maximum damage - 10700
Range - 6.0 km
Speed - 76 kt
Reload time - 75 s
Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s
Torpedo detectability - 1.6 km
AA defense:
AA defense short-range 6x1 15.0 mm:
continuous damage per second - 60
hit probability - 95 %
action zone - 2.0 km
AA defense mid-range 8x2 40.0 mm:
continuous damage per second - 189
hit probability - 100 %
action zone - 3.5 km
Maximum speed - 38.0 kt
Turning circle radius - 640 m
Rudder shift time – 3.9 s
Surface detectability – 9.5 km
Air detectability – 3.2 km
Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 4.1 km
Available consumables:
1 slot - Damage Control Party 
2 slot - Smoke Generator 
3 slot - Engine Boost
4 slot - Surveillance Radar
Duration time 10 s
Detection of ships 9.0 km
Reload time 60 s
Charges 4

flag  IX Lambros Katsonis - European Destroyer
In the late 1920s there was a dispute in the leadership of the Greek fleet: invest in more conventional ships or build fewer, but stronger ones? In 1929, against the background of Turkey's purchase of four destroyers in Italy, the first approach prevailed, and four simplified destroyers were ordered by Greece, also in Italy. The alternative was to use the second approach and order a pair of large ships with 140-mm weapons. The most suitable was one of the pre-projects of the E-class cruiser which is under consideration in the British Admiralty, armed with six 140mm guns. Lambros Katsonis is named after the leader of the national liberation struggle of the Greek people.
Hit points – 20300
Plating - 19 mm
Main battery - 6x1 140 mm
Firing range - 11.5 km
Reload time - 4.4 s
180 degree turn time - 18.0 s
Maximum dispersion - 101 m
Sigma – 2.00.
Maximum HE shell damage – 2000
HE shell armor penetration - 23 mm
Chance to cause fire – 10%
HE initial velocity - 840 m/s
Maximum AP shell damage - 2700
AP initial velocity - 840 m/s
Depth charges:
Maximum damage - 2800.0
Number of charges - 2
Bombs in a charge - 6
Reload time - 40.0 s
Torpedo tubes - 2x4 533 mm
Maximum damage - 10700
Range - 7.5 km. Speed - 80 kt
Reload time - 75 s
Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s
Torpedo detectability - 1.6 km
AA defense:
AA defense short-range 6x2 20.0 mm:
continuous damage per second - 91
hit probability - 95 %
action zone - 2.0 km
AA defense mid-range 2x2 76.2 mm, 2x1 76.2 mm:
continuous damage per second - 151
hit probability - 100 %
action zone - 4.0 km
Maximum speed - 38.0 kt
Turning circle radius - 720 m
Rudder shift time – 4.6 s
Surface detectability – 9.5 km
Air detectability – 3.8 km
Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 4.1 km
Available consumables:
1 slot - Damage Control Party 
2 slot - Smoke Generator 
3 slot - Engine Boost 
4 slot - Surveillance Radar
Duration time 10 s
Detection of ships 9.0 km
Reload time 60 s
Charges 4

flag image X Gdansk - European Destroyer
Based on the idea of the superiority of Polish ships over enemy ships due to quality, not quantity, the leadership of the fleet developed a large destroyer capable of competing even with light cruisers. In the late 1930s in Gdynia, several projects of such ships were considered. The Mogador class destroyers were suitable for the purpose, due to them being in a number of parameters comparable to light cruisers, and in some respects—for example, in speed—they surpassed them. When ships of this class were built in France, the destroyers that survived the war would have been re-equipped in the 1950s and 1960s with Soviet air defense systems, radars, and torpedoes.
Hit points – 24400
Plating - 19 mm
Main battery - 1x1 139 mm, 3x2 139 mm
Firing range - 12.0 km
Reload time - 3.7 s
180 degree turn time - 18.0 s
Maximum dispersion - 105 m
Sigma – 2.00.
Maximum HE shell damage – 2000
HE shell armor penetration - 23 mm
Chance to cause fire – 10%
HE initial velocity - 840 m/s
Maximum AP shell damage - 2700
AP initial velocity - 840 m/s.
Depth charges:
Maximum damage - 2400.0
Number of charges - 2
Bombs in a charge - 6
Reload time - 40.0 s
Torpedo tubes - 2x5 533 mm
Maximum damage - 11200
Range - 7.5 km
Speed - 86 kt
Reload time - 116 s
Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s
Torpedo detectability - 1.6 km
AA defense:
AA defense short-range 2x4 25.0 mm:
continuous damage per second - 39
hit probability - 95 %
action zone - 3.1 km
AA defense mid-range 5x4 57.0 mm:
continuous damage per second - 238
hit probability - 100 %
action zone - 4.0 km
Maximum speed - 41.2 kt
Turning circle radius - 810 m
Rudder shift time – 5.3 s
Surface detectability – 9.5 km
Air detectability – 4.4 km
Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 4.1 km
Available consumables:
1 slot - Damage Control Party 
2 slot - Smoke Generator 
3 slot - Engine Boost 
4 slot - Surveillance Radar
Duration time 10 s
Detection of ships 9.0 km
Reload time 60 s
Charges 4

All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers but with best available modules. The stats are subject to change during the testing.
Please note! that all information in this post is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published stated as Released on our WGB website.

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