5 x New Ships - Pan-American TT Cruiser Branch Tiers VI to X - CT 12.0


5 x New Ships - Pan-American TT Cruiser Branch Tiers VI to X - CT 12.0

The Pan-American cruisers VI-X branch have been added to the game for testing.

Branch Features:

  • Good rate of fire, but weak armour and a small supply of HP.
  • A Repair Party that restores 50% of the damage taken to the citadel starting at Tier II.
  • Access to Hydroacoustic Search from Tier IV onward.
  • From Tier IV, the ships are also equipped with torpedoes with average characteristics, which can be used as a last-ditch defense if enemy ships come too close.
  • Availability of a Fighter beginning at Tier V; Tiers VI, VIII, IX, and X ships have the option to replace it with a Spotter. 
    • The Tier VII ship does not have a Fighter or Spotter.
  • From Tier VI, the ships have flat ballistics that make it easier to hit enemies at long distances, and there is also a choice between Hydroacoustic Search and Defensive AA Fire in one slot.
  • Also from Tier VI, the ships can use Combat Instructions. Mechanically, they work similarly to the Combat Instructions available to superships, but they have different requirements and bonuses.
  • Ships of Tier VII and up also have the Repair Party consumable, which restores more HP per second.
In order to activate combat Instructions, Pan-American cruisers need to fire off a certain number of salvoes in which a specific number of shells must hit the targeted ship. For example, Tier X cruiser San Martin needs to fire 5 salvoes to activate Combat Instruction, but it will only activate if 8 of the shells fired in those 5 salvoes hit the target. Please note that in order for a salvo to count towards Combat Instructions, you need to use volley fire (double-click)—sequential fire and single fire do not work.

Once activated, Combat Instructions provides the cruisers with a temporary bonus to the armour penetration of capabilities of the ship's HE shells and the ship's manoeuvrability, such as maximum speed, acceleration, and rudder shift time. If you activate Combat Instructions on San Martin with a commander who has learned the skill "Inertial fuse of HE shells," you will be able to penetrate 50mm of armour.

The conditions for activating combat instructions for these new ships are more challenging than for superships, but at the same time they provide quite a significant bonus to the ship's characteristics.

sam martin

San Martin - Tier X Pan-American Cruiser

Another version of the Worcester-class cruiser design, this time from 1949. The cruiser is a further development of the Worcester-class cruiser. The general layout and architecture are similar to Worcester. The propulsion system has a similar layout to that used on Worcester-class cruisers but is improved relative to the prototype to give up to 145,000 hp and a speed of 34 knots. In order to reduce the space taken up by the funnels in the superstructure, the decision was made to unify them into two funnels.
The Argentine Navy could have purchased such a cruiser from the USA after the war, as it happened in reality with two Brooklyn-class light cruisers in 1951. The ship was named after the national hero of Argentina, one of the leaders of the War of Independence of the Spanish colonies in America in 1810-1826: José de San Martín (1778-1850).

{getButton} $text={San Martin Stats Page} $icon={link} $color={red}

Santander - Tier IX Pan-American Cruiser

One of the preliminary designs of the Worcester-class cruiser from 1948. During the preliminary design process, the US Department of the Navy considered the possibility of building a 3-gun 152-mm main battery turret instead of the final twin turret for this cruiser. But the idea was abandoned due to the complexity of the task and the uncertainty of the terms of its implementation. The Santander is a model of what a Worcester-type cruiser with three triple 152mm turrets could have looked like by 1948.
The Colombian Navy could have received such a cruiser from the US with the same logic as Mexico could have with Allende. The ship is named after the national hero of Colombia, hero of the War of Independence, and President Francisco de Paula Santander (1792-1840).
{getButton} $text={Santander Stats Page} $icon={link} $color={red}
Ignacio Allende

Ignacio Allende - Tier VIII Pan-American Cruiser

From August 1941 to July 1943, American designers prepared 9 draft versions of this cruiser, armed with 152-mm Mk 16DP guns in twin mounts. Most of them, according to the Department of the Navy requirements for the number of main guns, carried 5-6 of such turrets. The problem was that the installation of so many 200-ton emplacements and the corresponding ship's armor, resulted in a displacement and size increase that was quite excessive for a light cruiser. Attempts had been made to correct it by reducing the number of main guns: in August 1941 and spring 1943, drafts under the letters C and H were prepared, where the main caliber was made up of 8 guns in 4 turrets. In reality, they were rejected because, in the opinion of the General Board of the US Navy, the ratio of displacement to the number of guns made such a ship inefficient. As a result, the Worcester-class with its 6 turrets, built by 1948, was the largest light cruiser in world history, comparable to the heavy cruiser Baltimore. Our model shows what this type of cruiser, with four 152mm twin main battery turrets, might have looked like had it been built in 1948.
After World War II, the United States widely practiced the transfer of warships to other nations. These were ships put into reserve after the end of the war that were often quite modern surface combatants: aircraft carriers were transferred to France, cruisers to Argentina, etc. For example, Mexico received 4 Tacoma-class frigates and 14 submarine hunters in 1947. Based on this, we can assume that the Mexican fleet could also be strengthened by the latest US-built light cruiser—not quite as huge as the actual Worcester, but quite suitable for the role of the most powerful ship in Central America.
Hit points – 38600
Plating - 25 mm
Fires duration: 30 s
Torpedo protection - 7 %.
Main battery - 4x2 152 mm
Firing range - 15.9 km
Reload time - 8.0 s
180 degree turn time - 7.2 s
Maximum dispersion - 134 m
Sigma – 2.00
Maximum HE shell damage – 2200
HE shell armor penetration - 30 mm
Chance to cause fire – 11%
HE initial velocity - 915 m/s
Maximum AP shell damage - 3400
AP initial velocity - 915 m/s
Combat Instructions:
HE shell armor penetration +25.0 %
Vehicle speed +10.0 %
Duration 60.0 s
Required shots: 5
Number of hits per salvo needed for salvo to be taken into account: 6
Depth Charge Airstrike:
Reload time - 30.0 s
Available flights - 2
Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight - 1
Maximum range - 8.0 km
Number of Bombs in Payload - 2
Maximum bomb damage - 4200.0
Torpedo tubes - 2x4 533 mm
Maximum damage - 16633
Range - 8.0 km
Speed - 62 kt
Reload time - 96 s
Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s
Torpedo detectability - 1.1 km
AA defense:
AA defense short-range 23x2 20.0 mm:
continuous damage per second - 298
hit probability - 85 %
action zone - 2.0 km
AA defense mid-range 3x2 76.2 mm:
continuous damage per second - 109
hit probability - 90 %
action zone - 4.0 km
AA defense long-range 4x2 152.0 mm:
continuous damage per second - 102
hit probability - 90 %
action zone - 6.9 km
Number of explosions in a salvo - 5
damage within an explosion - 1680
action zone 3.5 - 6.9 km
Maximum speed - 33.0 kt
Turning circle radius - 660 m
Rudder shift time – 9.9 s
Surface detectability – 12.6 km
Air detectability – 8.5 km
Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 6.5 km
Available consumables:
Slot 1 - Damage Control Party
  Duration time: 5 s
  Reload time: 60 s
  Equipment is unlimited
Slot 2 - Specialized Repair Teams
  Duration time: 20 s
  HP per second: 270.2
  Reload time: 80 s
  Charges: 3
Slot 3 - Hydroacoustic Search
  Duration time: 100 s
  Torpedo detection range: 3.5 km
  Ship detection range: 5.0 km
  Reload time: 120 s
  Charges: 3
Slot 3 - Defensive AA Fire
  Duration time: 40 s
  Average AA damage: +50%
  Damage within the explosion radius of shells fired from medium- and long- range AA defences: 300%
  Reload time: 80 s
  Charges: 3
Slot 4 - Fighter
  Duration time: 60 s
  Fighters: 3
  Action radius: 3 km
  Reload time: 90 s
  Charges: 3
Slot 4 - Spotting Aircraft
  Duration time: 100 s
  Main battery firing range: +20.0%
  Reload time: 240 s
  Charges: 4

Coronel Bolognesi

Coronel Bolognesi - Tier VII Pan-American Cruiser

A Fiji-class light cruiser that was built in Britain and entered service in the Royal Navy in 1943 under the name HMS Ceylon. She was transferred to the Peruvian Navy in 1960 and is named after the Peruvian national hero Colonel Francisco Bolognesi (1816-1880). The cruiser Coronel Bolognesi served until 1985. In-game, she is presented as of 1960.
Hit points – 31400
Plating - 16 mm
Fires duration: 30 s
Torpedo protection - 4 %
Main battery - 3x3 152 mm
Firing range - 15.4 km
Reload time - 8.0 s
180 degree turn time - 25.7 s
Maximum dispersion - 131 m
Sigma – 2.00
Maximum HE shell damage – 2100
HE shell armor penetration - 25 mm
Chance to cause fire – 9%
HE initial velocity - 841 m/s
Maximum AP shell damage - 3100
AP initial velocity - 841 m/s.
Combat Instructions:
HE shell armour penetration: +25.0 %
Vehicle speed: +10.0 %
Duration: 60.0 s
Required shots: 5
Number of hits per salvo needed for salvo to be taken into account: 6
Depth Charge Airstrike:
Reload time - 30.0 s
Available flights - 2
Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight - 1
Maximum range - 6.0 km
Number of Bombs in Payload - 1
Maximum bomb damage - 3400.0
Torpedo tubes - 2x3 533 mm
Maximum damage - 15867
Range - 8.0 km
Speed - 61 kt
Reload time - 72 s
Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s
Torpedo detectability - 1.3 km
Secondary Armament:
4x2 102.0 mm
range  - 5.6 km
Maximum HE shell damage – 1500
Chance to cause fire – 6%
HE initial velocity - 811 m/s
AA defense:
AA defense mid-range 5x2 40.0 mm - 8x1 40.0 mm:
continuous damage per second - 249
hit probability - 90 %
action zone - 3.5 km;
AA defense long-range 4x2 102.0 mm:
continuous damage per second - 53
hit probability - 90 %
action zone - 5.8 km
Number of explosions in a salvo - 2
damage within an explosion - 1190
action zone 3.5 - 5.8 km
Maximum speed - 31.5 kt
Turning circle radius - 600 m
Rudder shift time – 8.6 s
Surface detectability – 11.2 km
Air detectability – 6.4 km
Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 5.4 km
Available consumables:
Slot 1 - Damage Control Party
Slot 2 - Specialized Repair Teams
  Duration time: 20 s
  HP per second: 219.8
  Reload time: 80 s
  Charges: 3
Slot 3 - Hydroacoustic Search
Slot 3 - Defensive AA Fire

Almirante Cochrane

Almirante Cochrane - Tier VI Pan-American Cruiser

This ship is the equivalent of the Italian premium Tier VII cruiser, Duca degli Abruzzi. The main difference is the number of main guns—Abruzzi has two 3-barreled and two 2-barreled 152mm turrets, while the Cochrane has four 2-barreled ones. Ships of the Chilean fleet were generally ordered from other countries, so it can be assumed that a smaller version of the cruiser Duca degli Abruzzi could have been ordered from Italy.
Thomas Cochrane (1775-1860)—Famous British admiral and hero of the Chilean War of Independence against Spain in 1818-1822—is considered the father of the Chilean Navy.
Hit points – 30700
Plating - 16 mm
Fires duration: 30 s
Reload time - 8.0 s
180 degree turn time - 30.0 s
Maximum dispersion - 123 m
Sigma – 2.00
Torpedo protection - 4 %
Main battery - 4x2 152 mm
Firing range - 14.5 km
Maximum HE shell damage – 2100
HE shell armor penetration - 25 mm
Chance to cause fire – 7%
HE initial velocity - 950 m/s
Maximum AP shell damage - 3000
AP initial velocity - 850 m/s
Combat Instructions:
HE shell armor penetration +20.0 %
Vehicle speed +10.0 %
Duration 60.0 s
Required shots: 5
Number of hits per salvo needed for salvo to be taken into account: 5
Depth Charge Airstrike:
Reload time - 30.0 s
Available flights - 1
Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight - 1
Maximum range - 6.0 km
Number of Bombs in Payload - 1
Maximum bomb damage - 3400.0
Torpedo tubes - 2x3 533 mm
Maximum damage - 15867
Range - 8.0 km
Speed - 61 kt
Reload time - 72 s
Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s
Torpedo detectability - 1.3 km
Secondary Armament:
4x2 100.0 mm
range  - 5.0 km
Maximum HE shell damage – 1500
Chance to cause fire – 6%
HE initial velocity - 850 m/s
AA defense:
AA defense short-range 6x2 20.0 mm:
continuous damage per second - 56
hit probability - 85 %
action zone - 2.0 km
AA defense mid-range 4x2 37.0 mm:
continuous damage per second - 105
hit probability - 90 %
action zone - 3.5 km
AA defense long-range 4x2 100.0 mm:
continuous damage per second - 42
hit probability - 90 %
action zone - 4.6 km
Number of explosions in a salvo - 1
damage within an explosion - 1050
action zone 3.5 - 4.6 km
Maximum speed - 34.8 kt
Turning circle radius - 680 m
Rudder shift time – 8.6 s
Surface detectability – 9.9 km
Air detectability – 6.1 km
Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 4.5 km
Available consumables:
Slot 1 - Damage Control Party 
Slot 2 - Repair Party 
Slot 3 - Hydroacoustic Search
Slot 3 - Defensive AA Fire 
Slot 4 - Fighter
Slot 4 - Spotting Aircraft
All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers but with best available modules. The stats are subject to change at any time.
Please note! that all information in this post is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published stated as Released on our WGB website.

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