HMS Undine - British Tier VI Submarine 1938
A series of small submarines (Type U) armed with six torpedo tubes placed in the bow. They were initially only intended for training purposes.

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CT 14.0 Changes
Secondary Battery
- Shell Speed: 640.0 m/s to 750.0 m/s
This improvement means the secondary batteries can engage targets more effectively at longer ranges.
Key Features of British Submarines

Undine Info
Ship Name:
VI HMS Undine

Tier: VI (6)
Paper ship: No
Class: U-class submarine
WG introduction: September 01, 2022
Status when final:
Researchable ship

Resource cost:
40 000
4 500 000

Ship release: 12.3

Current development status: Work in progress

Undine Survivability
Hit Points: 9,600 hp
Plating: 16-25 mm
Fore / Middle / Aft Light Hull Plating: 19 mm
Fore / Middle / Aft Pressure Hull Plating: 25 mm
Deck Plating: 16 mm
Tonnage: 630

Secondary Armament
1 x 1 76 mm:
Max Range: 4.0 km
Reload: 5.0 s
180° Turn Time: 3.0 s
Sigma: 1.00σ
Shell Types:
SAP Shells 1 x 76 mm:
Max SAP Shell Damage: 1500
Alpha Piercing CS: 22.7
Ammo Type: Semi Armor Piercing
Shell Air Drag: 0.47
Shell Always Ricochet At: 85.0°
Normalization: 45.0°
Shell Detonator: 0.03
Shell Detonator Threshold: 25.0 mm
Shell Krupp: 3.0
Shell Mass: 7.5 kg
Shell Ricochet At: 80.0°
Shell Speed: 750.0 m/s

Reload: 6.5 s
Duration of a ping effect on a highlighted sector: once 22 s/ twice 50 s
Ping velocity: 500 m/s
Ping width: 15 m
Max Range: 8.0 km

Bow torpedo tubes: 1x6 533 mm Mk VIII Mod 0
Max Damage: 6267
Range: 10.0 km
Reload: 45 s
Speed: 75 kts
Torpedo detectability: 1.7 km
Chance of causing Flooding: 32%

Dive Capacity
Dive capacity: 300 units
Dive capacity depletion whilst submerged: 1.0 units/s
Dive capacity recharge rate whilst surfaced: 0.6 units/s

Maximum speed: 20 knots
Turning circle radius: 410 m
Rudder shift time: 5.9 s
Propulsion: 825 hp
Maximum speed: 16 knots
Drive plane shift time: 9.1 s
Dive and ascent speed: 2.6 m/s

Surface Detectability: 5.5 km
Air Detectability: 2.0 km
Detectability by depths: 0-2.0 km

Available Consumables
Slot 1: Damage Control Party:
Charges: 3
Work time: 15 s
Reload time: 60 s
Slot 2: Hydrophone:
Charges: 4
Ship bearing: 6 km
Interval between pings: 4 s
Consumable action time: 30 s
Reload time: 30 s
Slot 3: Submarine Surveillance:
Charges infinite
Detection of submarines: 6 km
Consumable preparation time: 330 s
Consumable action time: 60 s
Reload time: 120 s