World of Warships Anniversary - Bonus Gift's - Festive Containers and much more
Festive Rewards
In Update 0.10.8, you can earn festive battle performance bonuses on all of your Tier V and higher ships. Win a battle or earn 300 Base XP to receive Supercontainers, a new temporary resource called Festive Tokens, and a Gift container:
Battle Performance Bonuses Dates and Times [UTC] [-8hrs for Asia] [+5hrs for NA]
Battle Performance Bonuses [UTC] Starts | Battle Performance Bonuses [UTC] Ends |
The bonus for each ship can be earned only once in battles of any type, except for Training Battles.{alertInfo}
In a special section of the Armory, Festive Tokens can be exchanged for containers of the "6 Years of World of Warships" collection; "6 Years of World of Warships" permanent camouflages for VII Lyon, VII Yorck, VII Shchors, VII Gadjah Mada, VII Akatsuki, and VII Zara; Gift and Distant Voyages containers; and World of Warships Anniversary expendable camouflages. The rewards section will be available from September 17, before Update 0.10.10 is released.
Each Gift container holds 5x special signals of the same type (Dragon, Red Dragon, Wyvern, Ouroboros, Hydra, Basilisk, Scylla, or Leviathan).
You can only earn Festive Tokens from battle performance bonuses. With the release of Update 0.10.10, Festive Tokens will be converted into Credits at the rate of 1:90,000{alertInfo}
The "6 Years of World of Warships" Collection
WG are also celebrating our Anniversary with the "6 Years of World of Warships" collection, which is dedicated to the most notable events that happened in the game over the past year. The collection looks like a big jigsaw puzzle with 60 elements in it. The collection elements only drop from "6 years of World of Warships" special containers. You can obtain these:
- By completing a special combat mission chain that will become available on September 17.
- By participating in the new temporary Aircraft Bureaus Rivalry event.
- In exchange for Festive Tokens.
The reward for completing the collection is a Supercontainer, 6x Gift containers, and the "6 Years of World of Warships" commemorative flag.
The exchange rate for duplicates is 1:1.{alertInfo}
The "6 Years of World of Warships" containers will be added to the Armory in one of the future updates. When that happens, you'll be able to obtain them in exchange for Coal.
To celebrate the Anniversary, the Designer's Table Port has also been updated—the ship model is now located in a bright and spacious room.
WG have also added some hidden festive achievements. Their requirements won't be announced or shown in the game client. If you achieve good results and have luck on your side, you'll earn them. Good luck!{alertSuccess}
Resetting Stars in Operations
With the release of update 0.10.8, any Stars earned in Operations will be reset. This means that the players who already received reward in Operation for a certain number of stars, can collect these stars again and receive corresponding rewards.