PT 0.10.4 - Buffs n Nerfs to In-Game Ships Thunderer, Stalingrad, Flint, and more
The changes will be applied to Thunderer, Stalingrad, Flint, and other ships. Further changes will be made to Tiger'59.
Having analysed combat performance and taken player feedback into account, we've changed the characteristics of several ships, including special ships Thunderer and Stalingrad. These changes were required in order to carefully adjust the balance of the mentioned warships. As usual, we'll monitor the impact of the changes and the general balance of the ships and apply changes if deemed necessary.
X Thunderer:
- Main battery firing range reduced from 23 to 21,5 km.
X Stalingrad:
- Action time of the «Surveillance Radar» consumable reduced from 25 to 20 s.
VII Flint:
- Main battery firing range increased from 11.1 to 11.9 km;
- Main battery reload time increased from 4.9 to 5.1 s.
X Grozovoi:
- Maximum damage of researchable torpedoes increased from 15.100 to 16.200;
- Probability of causing flooding increased from 250 to 271%.
X Z-52:
- Main battery reload time reduced from 4 to 3.8 s.
IX Jutland:
- Torpedo tubes reload time increased from 125 to 133s.
VIII Hsienyang:
- Range of researchable torpedoes increased from 9.2 to 9.5 km;
- Speed of researchable torpedoes increased from 56 to 59 knots.
IX Chung Mu:
- Range of base torpedoes from 9.2 to 9.5 km;
- Speed of base torpedoes increased from 56 to 59 knots.
VIII Fenyang:
- Main battery reload time reduced from 5.2 to 4.9s.
VIII Gustav Julius Maerker:
- Main battery reload time reduced from 6.5 to 6.1s.
IX Felix Schultz:
- Main battery reload time reduced from 7.8 to 7.4s.
VIII Cleveland:
- Action time of the «Surveillance Radar» consumable reduced from 30 to 27s.
VI Leander:
- Action time of the «Smoke Generator» consumable reduced from 99 to 96s;
- Main battery reload time increased from 7.5 to 7.7 s.
VII Fiji:
- Action time of the «Smoke Generator» consumable reduced from 106 to 99s.
- Main battery reload time increased from 7.5 to 7.7 s.
VIII Edinburgh:
- Action time of the consumable «Smoke Generator» reduced from 106 to 99s.
X Petropavlovsk:
- Main battery reload time increased from 13 to 13.5 s
VII Nagato:
- Main battery reload time reduced from 30 to 29 s.
V Conte di Cavour:
- Main battery reload time reduced from 31.5 to 30 s.
VI Andrea Doria:
- Maximum SAP shell damage increased from 9,500 to 9,900.
VII Francesco Caracciolo:
- Sigma parameter increased from 1.6 to 1.7;
VIII Vittorio Veneto:
- Sigma parameter increased from 1.6 to 1.7;
We adjusted the parameters of Tiger'59 based on testing results.
- The main battery turrets can now rotate 360 degrees.
All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers but with best available modules. The stats are subject to change during the testing.
Please note! that all information in this post is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published stated as FINAL on our WGB website.