Wujing Pan Asian Tier IX Battleship 1939 (Released)

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iconWujing Pan Asian Tier IX Battleship 1939

A battleship design developed in France in response to construction of the German "H"-class battleships. The ship was a development of the Richelieu class, but in contrast to her predecessor, she had more powerful artillery that was arranged according to a more reasonable scheme. One of the design versions received twelve 380 mm guns that were placed in three main turrets.
flandre Sha Wujing Flag
Previously a celestial General who was banished to the mortal realm, Sha Wujing is a character from "Journey to the West", a novel by Wu Cheng'en.

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Ship Name:  Wujing
Tier,  IX (9)
Is Paper Ship:  Yes
Class:  Battleship
WG Introduction:  Nov 27, 2020
Status:  Premium Ship
Ship Release:   ~0.10.0
Base Value:    19.300 doubloon Doubloons
Resource Purchase:  Premium shop on day of release.
Nation:   Pan Asia
Permoflage:  permaflage Type 19 Free permaflage Wujing Permaflage
Current Status:  Released

Hit Points:   74,700 hp.
Overall:   19~430 mm.

3 x 4 380 mm/45 Mle 1935:
Firing Range:  20.3 km.
Reload:  32.0 s.
180° Turn Time:  36 s.
Dispersion at Max Range:  264 m.
Sigma:  1.60σ.
12 x 380 mm HE OEA Mle 1945: 
Max Damage per shell:  5,400.
Alpha Piercing HE:  63.0 mm.
Ammo Type:  HE.
Shell Air Drag:  0.2791.
Shell Always Ricochet At:  60.0°.
Normalization:  8.0°.
Shell Detonator:  0.001.
Shell Detonator Threshold:  2.0.
Shell Diameter:  380 mm.
Shell Krupp:  1.0.
Shell Mass:  884.0 kg.
Shell Ricochet At:  91.0°.
Shell Speed:  830.0 m/s.
Burn Probability:  36%.
12 x 380 mm AP OPfK Mle 1943:
Max Damage per shell - 11,900.
Ammo Type:  AP.
Shell Air Drag:  0.2791.
Shell Always Ricochet At:  60.0°.
Normalization:  6.0°
Shell Detonator:  0.033.
Shell Detonator Threshold:  63.0 mm.
Shell Diameter:  380 mm.
Shell Krupp:  2347.0.
Shell Mass:  885.0 kg.
Shell Ricochet At:  45.0°.
Shell Speed:  830 m/s.
3 x 3 152 mm/55 Mle 1936:
Range:  7.0 km.
Damage:  2200 hp.
Chance of Fire:  12%.
Reload:  12 s.
HE Armour Penetration:  25 mm.
Shell Velocity:  870 m/s.
12 x 2 100 mm/55 CAD Mle 1945:
Range:  7.0 km.
Damage:  1400 hp.
Chance of Fire:  12%.
Reload:  3 s.
HE Armour Penetration:  17 mm.
Shell Velocity:  855 m/s.

3 x 3 152 mm/55 Mle 1936:
12 x 2 100 mm/55 CAD Mle 1945:
Action Zone:  0.1~5.8 km.
Hit Probability:  75 %.
Damage Within an Explosion:  1470.
Continuous Damage Per Second:  235.
Number of Explosions Per Salvo:  9.
12 x 2 37 mm/70 ACAD Mle 1936:
Action Zone:   ~3.5 km.
Hit Probability:   75 %.
Continuous Damage Per Second:   242.
10 x 2 20 mm Oerlikon Mk20:
Action Zone:   ~2.0 km.
Hit Probability:   70 %.
Continuous Damage Per Second:   123.

Maximum Speed:   32.0 kts.
Turning Circle Radius:   910 m.
Rudder Shift Time:   16.6 s.
Propulsion:   192,000 hp.

Surface Detectability:   16.7 km.
Air Detectability:   12.1 km.
Detectability after Firing Main Guns in Smoke:   15.4 km.

Slot 1:  Damage Control Party:
Work Time:  15 s.
Reload Time:  80 s.

Slot 2:  Repair Party:
Charges:  4.
Action time:  28 s.
Reload Time:  80 s.
Regenerated hp per Second:   +373 hp/s.
Total hp regenerated per charge ~10,444 hp.

Slot 3:  Fighter:
Charges:   3.
Action time:   60 s.
Reload Time:   90 s.
Flight Radius:   3 km.
Fighters:   x2.

Slot 4:  Engine Boost:
Charges:   3.
Action time:   180 s.
Reload Time:   120 s.
Boost:   + 8%.

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