Strasbourg Tier VII French Battleship 1938


Dec 21,-2020
* Released RU

Strasbourg Tier VII French Battleship 1938

A "small battleship" of the Dunkerque class that was created to confront German raiders. Compared to the lead ship of the series, she had reinforced armor protection and was a little slower. 
Strasbourg Flag
The second Dunkerque-class battleship, which entered service in 1939, was named after the capital of the Alsace province, the French city of Strasbourg.
Key features:
Strasbourg is a Dunkerque-class battleship equipped with the Main Battery Reload Booster consumable, which is a rare feature for this ship type. With her high rate of fire and decent firing range, the ship is most efficient in long-distance engagements and flank attacks. Due to the all-forward arrangement of her main guns, Strasbourg doesn't need to expose her sides and feels at ease in duels with enemy ships.
ship details
Ship Name:   Strasbourg.
Tier:   VII (7).
Paper ship:   No.
Class:   Battleship (BB).
WG introduction:   Aug 27th 2020.
WG Base Value:   9800 icon Doubloons.
Status:   Premium Ship.
Resource purchase:    Unknown.
Nation:   France.
Permoflage:  Type 10 Free.
Current Status:   Released 
Combat Mission:
There is a special combat mission will be available to owners of this bundle for a period of 30 days from the moment of its purchase. Each battle fought playing Strasbourg in Random, Co-op, and Ranked Battles, as well as in Operations, will bring you three times more XP than usual. You can obtain this combat mission only once per account.
Hit Points:   52,600 hp.
Overall:   16~360 mm.
Citadel  Fore Athwartships:   228 mm.
Citadel  Aft Athwartships:  98 mm.
Citadel plating:   40~50 mm.
Armor Belt:  175~283 mm.
Citadel Deck:   40 mm.
Citadel Bottom:   40 mm.
Conning Tower:   300 mm.
Turret Plating:  150~360 mm.
tonnage:   36,308.

main battery
2 x 4 330 mm/52 St. Chamond Mle 1932:
Max Range:   19.1 km.
Reload:   25.0 s.
180° Turn Time:   36 s.
Dispersion at Max Range:   253 m.
Sigma:   1.8σ.

shell types
330 mm HE OEA Mle 1935:
Alpha Damage:   4800
Alpha Piercing HE:   55 mm.
Ammo Type:   "HE".
Shell Air Drag:   0.2926.
Shell Always Ricochet At:   60.0°.
Normalisation:  8°
Shell Detonator:   0.001.
Shell Detonator Threshold:   2.0.
Shell Diameter:   330 mm.
Shell Krupp:   385.0.
Shell Mass:   552.0.
Shell Ricochet At:   91.0°.
Shell Speed:   885.0 m/s.
Burn Probability:   35%.
330 mm AP OPfK Mle 1935:
Alpha Damage:   9700.
Ammo Type:   "AP".
Shell Air Drag:   0.2801.
Shell Always Ricochet At:   60.0°.
Normalisation:  6°
Shell Detonator:   0.033.
Shell Detonator Threshold:   55 mm.
Shell Diameter:   330 mm.
Shell Krupp:   2428.0.
Shell Mass:   560.0.
Shell Ricochet At:   45.0°.
Shell Speed:   870 m/s.

‎3 x 4 130 mm HE OEA Mle 1934:
‎2 x 2 130 mm HE OEA Mle 1934:
Range:   5.0 km.
Damage:   1900 hp.
Chance of Fire:   9%.
Reload:   5 s.
HE Armour Penetration:   22 mm.
Shell Velocity:   840 m/s.
Shell Mass:   29.5 kg.

aa defence
2 x 2 130.0 mm:
3 x 4 130.0 mm:
Action Zone:   ~3.5-6.0 km.
Hit Probability:   75 %.
Damage Within an Explosion:   1400.
Continuous Damage Per Second:   120.
Number of Explosions Per Salvo:   3.
4 x 2 37 mm:
Action Zone:   ~3.0 km.
Hit Probability:   75 %.
Continuous Damage Per Second:   30.
8 x 4 13.2 mm:
Action Zone:   ~1.5 km.
Hit Probability:   70 %.
Continuous Damage Per Second:   150.

Maximum Speed:   29.5 kts.
Turning Circle Radius:   730 m.
Rudder Shift Time:   14.0 s.
Propulsion: 107,000 hp.

Surface Detectability:   16.9 km.
Air Detectability:   9.6 km.
Detectability after Firing Main Guns in Smoke:   14.2 km.

Slot 1:  Damage Control Party:
Work Time:   15 s.
Reload Time:   80 s.

Slot 2:  Repair Party:
Charges:   4.
Action time:   28 s.
Reload Time:   80 s.
Regenerated hp per Second:   +263 hp/s.
Total hp regenerated per charge ~7,364 hp.

Slot 3:  Main Battery Reload Booster:
Main Battery Reload Booster.
Charges:   4.
Action time:   20 s.
Reload Time:   180 s.
Main battery recharge booster:   -50%.

Slot 4:  Spotting Aircraft:
Charges:   4.
Action time:   100 s.
Reload Time:   240 s.
Spotting Distance:   +20%.

Slot 4:  Fighter:
Charges:   3.
Action time:   60 s.
Reload Time:   90 s.
Flight Radius:   3 km.
Fighters:   x2.


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