New Camos ● Flags ● Dogtags ● Containers including Santa's ● Ranked Achievements ● Black Friday Flags/Camos

New Camos, Flags, Dogtags, Containers

Descriptions for each of the items below, may be available later, ATM, this is all I can find. 

iconJean Bart B Flag
A flag dedicated to Jean Bart B "Black Friday 2020"
iconAtlanta B Flag
A flag dedicated to Atlanta B "Black Friday 2020"
iconCossack B Flag
A flag dedicated to Cossack B "Black Friday 2020"
iconKaga B Flag
A flag dedicated to Kaga B "Black Friday 2020"

iconBlack Friday 2020 Camouflage
Black camouflage dedicated to the release of 2020 Black Friday ships, Jean Bart B, Atlanta B, Cossack B, Kaga B.

icon"Santa's Mega Gift" Container
Elite Santa container, gives a Better chance then the Santa's Gift and Big containers in winning Premium Ships.
icon"Santa's Big Gift" Container
Medium Santa container, gives a Better chance then the Santa's Gift container in winning Premium Ships.
icon"Santa's Gift" Container
Standard Santa container. much eaiser to win then "Big" and Mega Santa containers, gives a small chance of winning Premium Ships.
iconJolly Roger Gold League Achievement
Achieve Rank 1 in the Gold League during a Ranked Battles Season. Awarded once per Season.
iconJolly Roger Silver League Achievement
Achieve Rank 1 in the Silver League during a Ranked Battles Season. Awarded once per Season.
iconJolly Roger Bronze League Achievement
Achieve Rank 1 in the Bronze League during a Ranked Battles Season. Awarded once per Season.
iconBlack Friday 2020 Premium Container
iconBlack Friday 2020 Container
iconVerizon Warrior's Championship Dogtag
iconBubble Tea Dogtag
iconLighthouse Dogtag
iconKimchi Dogtag
iconJapanese Water Crest Dogtag
iconHizen Dockyard Warpaint Permaflage
Hizen Warpaint Permaflage Reward on completion of 26th shipbuilding phase of the Dockyard tasks
iconNew Year Temporary Campaign Winter Holiday Permaflages
Furutaka, T-22, Hawkins, Visby, Kotovsky,  New York Winter Holiday New Year Temporary Campaign Rewards
iconStrasbourg Winter Holiday Permaflage
Strasbourg Winter Holiday Reward
iconNew Year 2021 Permaflage
New Year 2021 Permaflage Reward for Tier IX Ships
iconSomers Predator Permaflage
Be a predator among prey!
Somers Ranked Reward
iconCartography Expendable Camouflage
Cartographic Reward
iconNew Year 2021 Expendable Camouflage
Winter Strands Reward
iconRanked Bronze Expendable Camouflage
Ranked Battle League Reward
iconRanked Silver Expendable Camouflage
Ranked Battle League Reward
iconRanked Gold Expendable Camouflage
Ranked Battle League Reward
iconOrdeme Progresso Expendable Camouflage
Brazilian Order and Progress
Hizen (Nagasaki) City Flag
A port town in the historic province of Hizen in XVI–XIX centuries was a "window to Europe" for Japan, and in the 20th century it was the largest center of shipbuilding. The emblem of Nagasaki is a stylized 長 sign (naga meaning "long) is the first sign in the name of the city. The emblem resembles a paper crane, unfolded like a star and is associated with a city port, which is called a "crane port" because of its outline. Inside of the star, there are five 市 (city) signs forming a circle. They symbolize that Nagasaki was one of the five Japanese ports open to trade with the western world in the middle of 19th century after two centuries of country's isolation.
Vampire II Memorable Flag
A Daring-class destroyer, served in the Royal Australian Navy from 1950s to mid-1980s. One of the legendary Australian ships. The ship's badge is a bat. It's realistically depicted on the offical badge and stylized on the unofficial one.
Tone Memorable Flag
The Tone River is one of the three largest rivers in Japan. Japanese dragons are wingless water deities. That's why the Gold Dragon crowns the warship sailing the seas.
Fen Yang Memorable Flag
A destroyer that served in 1940s–50s as a part of the Republic of China Navy. The ship's coat of arms had a South China tiger depicted on it. Its image is very popular and widespread in Chinese culture and art.
Marco Polo Memorable Flag
The most iconic and distinctive image of traveller Marco Polo in the world culture is a portrait of the middle of 19th century on a mosaic from Genoa.
Pearl Harbor Anniversary Flag
Flag honouring all that served at Pearl Harbor.
Honouring brave men and women that took part on that fateful day at Pearl Harbour on December 7th, 1941.

IMPORTANT! Because the information stated is WIP, the information in this Article is tentative and reflects the state of game development at the time of its publication. Changes and new features may be removed entirely or implemented differently by the time the update goes live. Screenshots, specific values of certain characteristics, and details of in-game mechanics will not necessarily be relevant after this info have been released.


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