Kansas Tier VIII American Battleship 1918
This battleship design was used as a basis for construction of a number of warship after World War I. She was similar to the Colorado class in many aspects, being in fact her increased version with more powerful armament. This warship was the crown of development process of "standard" battleships in the U.S. Navy.
Ship name: Kansas
Tier: VIII (8)
Class: Battleship (BB)
WG introduction: July 3rd 2020
Researchable Ship
Resource purchase: 0.9.11 

Type 18 Cost 3000
Gold Eagle + More Goodies = 6000 American Tokens


Current development: Released
Health Points: 67,000 hp
Armour: 32~406 mm
Tonnage: 47,530
Torpedo Reduction Protection: 40%
4 x 3 406 mm/45 Mk7:
Firing Range: 22.7 km
Reload Time: 40.0 s
180 Degree Turn Time: 45 s
Maximum Dispersion: 287 m
Sigma Value: 1.7σ
406 mm HE/HC Mk13:
Alpha Damage: 5700
Alpha Piercing HE: 68 mm
Ammo Type: HE
Air Drag Coefficient: 0.346
Always Ricochet at: 60.0°
Normalisation: 8°
Fusetime: 0.001 s
Detonator Threshold: 2.0 mm
Shell Diameter: 0.406 m
Krupp: 250.0
Mass: 861.8 kg
Start Ricochet: 91.0°
Muzzle Velocity: 803 m/s
Burn Probability: 36%
406 mm AP Mk5 mod. 1:
Alpha Damage: 11800
Ammo Type: AP
Air Drag Coefficient: 0.336
Always Ricochet at: 60.0°
Normalisation: 6.0°
Fusetime: 0.033 s
Detonator Threshold: 68.0 mm
Shell Diameter: 0.406 m
Krupp: 2836.0
Mass: 920.0 kg
Start Ricochet: 45.0°
Muzzle Velocity: 738 m/s
8 x 2 127 mm/38 Mk32:
Maximum HE shell damage: 1800
Range: 5 km
Reload: 6 s
Alpha Piercing HE: 21 mm
HE initial velocity: 792 m/s
COF: 5%
Air Drag: 0.347
8 x 2 127 mm/38 Mk32:
Action Zone: ~3.5-5.8 km
Hit Probability: 75 %
Damage Caused by Shell Explosions: 1540
Damage by Zone Area AA: 147
Priority Sector Reinforcement: 35%
Number of Explosions Per Salvo: 6
12 x 4 40 mm Bofors Mk2:
Action Zone: ~3.5 km
Hit Probability: 75 %
Damage by Zone Area AA: 319
23 x 2 20 mm Oerlikon Mk20:
Action Zone: ~2.0 km
Hit Probability: 70 %
Damage by Zone Area AA: 280
Maximum speed: 23.0 kt
Turning circle radius: 700 m
Rudder shift time: 15.7 s
Propulsion: 68,000 hp
Surface Detectability: 16.6 km
* Detectability After Firing MB Guns: 22.7 km
* Detectability After Firing Secondary Guns: 16.6 km
* Detectability With Ship on Fire: 18.6 km
Air Detectability: 13.5 km
* Detectability After Firing Secondary Guns: 13.5 km
* Detectability With Ship on Fire: 16.5 km
Detectability after Firing Main Guns in Smoke: 16.0 km
* Detectability After Firing Secondary Guns: 16.6 km
* Detectability With Ship on Fire: 18.6 km
Air Detectability: 13.5 km
* Detectability After Firing Secondary Guns: 13.5 km
* Detectability With Ship on Fire: 16.5 km
Detectability after Firing Main Guns in Smoke: 16.0 km
Slot 1: Damage Control Party:
Action Time: 20 s
Reload Time: 80 s
Slot 2: Repair Party:
Charges: 4
Action Time: 28 s
Reload Time: 80 s
HP per Second: +335 hp/s
(Total hp regenerated per charge: ~9,380 hp)
Slot 3: DFAA
Charges: 4
Action Time: 40 s
Reload time: 80 s
Continuous damage: +50%
Damage from shell explosions: +300%
Slot 4: Spotting Aircraft:
Charges: 4
Action Time: 100 s
Reload time: 240 s
Main Battery Firing Range: +20%
Slot 4: Fighter:
Charges: 3
Action time: 60 s
Reload Time: 90 s
Flight Radius: 3 km
Fighters: x4