Updated July 17th 2020
* Released
German Destroyer 
VIII Z-35 1944
Z35 was the lead ship of her class of destroyers built for the Kriegsmarine during World War II. Completed in late 1943, the ship spent the war in the Baltic Sea, escorting German ships, laying minefields, and bombarding Soviet forces.![]() | Z-35 Flag Among the several hundred warships built at the AG Weser shipyard in Bremen was Z-35, the lead ship in a series of Type 1936B destroyers. |
VIII Z-35 is the lead ship in the series of 1936B-class destroyers that were built during World War II. Their design was based upon an altered project that took the operational and combat experience of the preceding series into account. The ship stands out for the enhanced AA armament and 128 mm main guns she carries.
She is capable of inflicting significant damage per minute thanks to her powerful AP shells and the impressive penetration characteristics of her HE shells. Z-35 is also equipped with a variant of the Smoke Generator consumable that has characteristics usually typical to British destroyers—an increased number of charges and short cooldown period.
Key Features:
* Five rapid-firing 128 mm main guns. Her HE shells inflict low maximum damage, but have excellent penetration capabilities. The AP shells she fires have high maximum damage characteristics
* Two quadruple-tube torpedo launchers. While her torpedoes have a short range, they are capable of inflicting decent damage
* A large HP pool
* Smoke Generator with an increased number of charges and short cooldown period
* She earns more credits per battle, and her permanent camouflage adds a 50% XP bonus per battle and reduces the cost of the ship's post-battle service by 10%
* Five rapid-firing 128 mm main guns. Her HE shells inflict low maximum damage, but have excellent penetration capabilities. The AP shells she fires have high maximum damage characteristics
* Two quadruple-tube torpedo launchers. While her torpedoes have a short range, they are capable of inflicting decent damage
* A large HP pool
* Smoke Generator with an increased number of charges and short cooldown period
* She earns more credits per battle, and her permanent camouflage adds a 50% XP bonus per battle and reduces the cost of the ship's post-battle service by 10%
Ship Name: Z-35
WG Introduction: Apr 3rd 2020
Paper Ship: No
Tier: VIII (8)
Class: Destroyer
WG Introduction: Apr 3rd 2020
Paper Ship: No
Tier: VIII (8)
Class: Destroyer
Premium Ship
Ship Release: ~0.9.6
*Base Value:
Type 10 Free
Current Status: Released
*Base Value is the Doubloon base value of the ship in respect of tier, class, status.
ship armour
Ship Release: ~0.9.6
*Base Value:



Current Status: Released
*Base Value is the Doubloon base value of the ship in respect of tier, class, status.
Hit Points: 19,100 hp
Overall: 8~20 mm
Hull Aft/Mid/Fore: 19 mm
Deck Aft/Mid/Fore: 19 mm
Bottom: 20 mm
Superstructure: 13 mm
Turrets: 8 mm
Tonnage: 3,542 tn
main battery
5 x 1 128 mm L/45 LC/34:
Max Range: 12.1 km
Reload: 3.4 s
180° Turn Time: 10.0 s
Dispersion at Max Range: 106 m
Sigma: 2.0σ
shell types
128 mm Spr.Gr:
Alpha Damage: 1500
Alpha Piercing HE: 32.0 mm
Ammo Type: HE
Shell Air Drag: 0.3447
Shell Always Ricochet At: 60.0°
Shell Detonator: 0.001
Shell Detonator Threshold: 2.0
Shell Diameter: 128 mm
Shell Krupp: 475.0
Shell Mass: 28.0
Shell Ricochet At: 91.0°
Shell Speed: 830.0 m/s
Burn Probability: 6%
Alpha Piercing HE: 32.0 mm
Ammo Type: HE
Shell Air Drag: 0.3447
Shell Always Ricochet At: 60.0°
Shell Detonator: 0.001
Shell Detonator Threshold: 2.0
Shell Diameter: 128 mm
Shell Krupp: 475.0
Shell Mass: 28.0
Shell Ricochet At: 91.0°
Shell Speed: 830.0 m/s
Burn Probability: 6%
128 mm P.Spr.Gr:
Alpha Damage: 3000
Ammo Type: AP
Shell Air Drag: 0.3447
Shell Always Ricochet At: 60.0°
Shell Detonator: 0.01
Shell Detonator Threshold: 21.0 mm
Shell Diameter: 128 mm
Shell Krupp: 1640.0
Shell Mass: 28.0
Shell Ricochet At: 45.0°
Shell Speed: 830.0 m/s
Ammo Type: AP
Shell Air Drag: 0.3447
Shell Always Ricochet At: 60.0°
Shell Detonator: 0.01
Shell Detonator Threshold: 21.0 mm
Shell Diameter: 128 mm
Shell Krupp: 1640.0
Shell Mass: 28.0
Shell Ricochet At: 45.0°
Shell Speed: 830.0 m/s
torpedo armament
2 x 4 533 mm Vierling/G7a T1:
Reload: 90 s180° Turn Time: 7.2 s
Range: 6 km
Damage: 13700 hp
Speed: 64 kts
Visibility Distance: 1.3 km
Reaction Time: 7.8 s
Chance of Flood: ~227%
Torpedo Type: Normal
aa defence
5 x 2 37 mm Flak LM/42:
Long Range AA Damage: 123
Hit Probability: 100%
Continuous Damage: 146
Action Radius: ~3.5 km
close RANGE
1 x 1 20 mm Flak 38:
2 x 4 20 mm Flakvierling 38:
Close Range AA Damage: 42
Hit Probability: 95%
Action Radius: ~2.0 km
Maximum Speed: 36.5 kts
Turning Circle Radius: 670 m
Rudder Shift Time: 4.4 s
Propulsion: 70,000 hp
Surface Detectability: 7.7 km
* Detectability After Firing MB Guns: 12.1 km
* Detectability With Ship on Fire: 9.7 km
Air Detectability: 3.7 km
* Detectability With Ship on Fire: 6.7 km
Detectability after Firing Main Guns in Smoke: 3.0 km
Work Time: 5 s
Reload Time: 40 s
Slot 2: Short Burst Smoke Generator:
Charges: 6
Action time: 10 s
Smoke screen life time: 40 s
Reload time: 70 s
Smoke Radius: 0.6 km
Slot 3: Hydroacoustic Search.
Charges: 3
Action time: 100 s
Reload Time: 120 s
Detection Range Torpedoes: 3.5 km
Detection Range Ships: 5.0 km