Champagne Tier VIII French Battleship

French Battleship VIII Champagne 1939

A battleship design close to that of the Gascogne class. Her triple turrets and the 406 mm guns mounted in them were developed in France in the second half of the 1930s.
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VIII Champagne Flag
Champagne is a province in the northeast of France, famous throughout the world for its sparkling wines. The history of the region dates back to the county of Champagne, the first mention of which dates back to the turn of the 11th and 12th centuries.
Champagne's Main Characteristics :
Champagne embodies the development of the Gascogne French battleship project. The triple turrets with 406 mm guns which comprise her main battery were developed especially for the ship in France in the latter half of the 1930s. She's a fast battleship with powerful artillery, but relatively weak armor.
Key features:
* Six accurate 406 mm guns with a long reach of up to 25 km
* Multiple secondary guns: nine 152 mm and twenty-four 100 mm guns
* Her already decent 34-knot speed can be temporarily increased using the Engine Boost consumable
* Small HP pool for a Tier VIII battleship
* She earns more credits per battle, and her permanent camouflage adds a 50% XP bonus per battle and reduces the cost of the ship's post-battle service by 10%

ship details
Ship Name:   Champagne
Tier:   VIII (8)
Is Paper Ship:   Yes
Class:   Battleship (BB)
Status:   Premium Ship
WG Introduction:   Mar 6th 2020
Ship Release:   ~
*Base Value:    icon12,500
Nation:   France
Permoflage:  Type 10 Free
Current Status:   Released (Regional Shops)

*Base Value is the Doubloon base value of the ship in respect of tier, class, status and final resource. (This can change).

Hit Points:   60,900 hp
Overall:   19~430 mm
Citadel  Fore Athwartship:   233~355 mm
Citadel  Aft Athwartship:   233 mm
Citadel Torpedo Bulkhead:   30~50 mm
Citadel Deck:   40 mm
Citadel Bottom:   50 mm
Turrets:   75~150 mm
Conning Tower:   340 mm
Turrets:   175~430 mm
Torpedo Damage Protection:   28%
Tonnage:   42,544 tn

main battery
2 x 3 406 mm/50 Schneider:
Max Range:   25 km
Reload:   28.6 s
180° Turn Time:   30 s
Dispersion at Max Range:   258 m
Sigma:   2.0σ

shell types

406 mm HE Mle 1938:
Alpha Damage:   6100
Alpha Piercing HE:   68 mm
Ammo Type:   "HE"
Shell Air Drag:   0.2218
Shell Always Ricochet At:   60.0°
Shell Detonator:   0.001
Shell Detonator Threshold:   2.0
Shell Diameter:   406 mm
Shell Krupp:   250.0
Shell Mass:   900.0
Shell Ricochet At:   91.0°
Shell Speed:   850.0 m/s
Burn Probability:   49%

406 mm APC Mle 1938:
Alpha Damage:   12100
Ammo Type:   "AP"
Shell Air Drag:   0.2218
Shell Always Ricochet At:   60.0°
Shell Detonator:   0.033
Shell Detonator Threshold:   68 mm
Shell Diameter:   406 mm
Shell Krupp:   2900.0
Shell Mass:   900.0
Shell Ricochet At:   45.0°
Shell Speed:   850 m/s

3 x 3 152 mm/55 Mle 1936:
Range:   7.0 km
Damage:   2200 hp
Chance of Fire:   12%
Reload:   12 s
HE Armour Penetration:   25 mm
Shell Velocity:   870 m/s
Shell Mass:   55 kg
12 x 2 100 mm/45 Mle 1933:
Range:   7.0 km
Damage:   1400 hp
Chance of Fire:   6%
Reload:   4 s
HE Armour Penetration:   17 mm
Shell Velocity:   780 m/s
Shell Mass:   13.5 kg

aa defence
3 x 3 152 mm/55 Mle 1936:
12 x 2 100 mm/45 Mle 1933:
Action Zone:   ~3.5-5.8 km
Hit Probability:   75 %
Damage Within an Explosion:   1260
Continuous Damage Per Second:   140
Continuous Damage:   159
Number of Explosions Per Salvo:   6
12 x 2 37 mm/70 ACAD Mle 1933:
Action Zone:   ~3.0 km
Hit Probability:   75 %
Continuous Damage Per Second:   53
10 x 2 25 mm/60 CAD Mle 1939:
Action Zone:   ~2.5 km
Hit Probability:   70 %
Continuous Damage Per Second:   112

Maximum Speed:   34 kts
Turning Circle Radius:   850 m
Rudder Shift Time:   15.5 s
Propulsion:   155,000 hp

Surface Detectability:   16.4 km
* Detectability After Firing MB Guns:   25.0 km
* Detectability After Firing Secondary Guns:   16.4 km
* Detectability With Ship on Fire:   18.4 km
Air Detectability:   11 km
* Detectability After Firing Secondary Guns:   11.0 km
* Detectability With Ship on Fire:   14.0 km
Detectability after Firing Main Guns in Smoke:   15.8 km

Slot 1:  Damage Control Party:
Work Time:   15 s
Reload Time:   80 s

Slot 2:  Repair Party.
Charges:   3
Action time:   28 s
Reload Time:   80 s
Regenerated hp per Second:   +263 hp/s
Total hp regenerated per charge ~7,364 hp

Slot 3:  Spotting Aircraft.
Charges:   4
Action time:   100 s
Reload Time:   240 s
Spotting Distance:   +20%

Slot 3:  Fighter.
Charges:   3
Action time:   60 s
Reload Time:   90 s
Flight Radius:   3 km
Fighters:   x3

Slot 4:  Engine Boost.
Charges:   3
Action time:   180 s
Reload Time:   120 s
Speed Boost:   +8%

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