Balance Changes
Tier X French Destroyer

Detectability range was increased:
EU Destroyers
V-X and 
Main battery reload time was reduced:
Detectability ranges were reduced:
- By ships from 8.88 to 9.88 km;
- After firing main guns in smoke from 3.42 to 3.94 km;
- By planes from 4.84 to 5.38 km.
- Torpedo tubes reload time was increased from 90 to 120 s;
- HE shell maximum damage was reduced from 2,100 to 1,850;
- AP shell maximum damage was reduced from 2,600 to 2,450.
EU Destroyers

- The number of charges of the "Repair party" consumable was increased from 1(2) to 2(3).
EU Destroyer 

- For basic guns from 6 to 5 s;
- For researchable guns from 6.5 to 5.5 s.
Detectability ranges were reduced:
- By ships from 6.94 to 6.14 km;
- After firing main guns in smoke from 2.47 to 2.2 km;
- By planes from 2.28 to 2.02 km.
EU Destroyer 

- Main battery reload time was reduced from 6.5 to 5.5 s.
Detectability ranges were reduced:
- By ships from 7.12 to 6.32 km;
- After firing main guns in smoke from 2.54 to 2.25 km;
- By planes from 2.76 to 2.45 km.
EU Destroyer 

- Main battery reload time was reduced from 6.5 to 5.5 s.
Detectability ranges were reduced:
- By ships from 7.12 to 6.23 km;
- After firing main guns in smoke from 2.54 to 2.25 km;
- By planes from 2.76 to 2.45 km.
EU Destroyer 

- Main battery reload time was reduced from 6.5 to 5.5 s.
Detectability ranges were reduced:
- By ships from 7.66 to 6.86 km;
- After firing main guns in smoke from 2.75 to 2.44 km;
- By planes from 3.24 to 2.9 km.
EU Destroyer 

- Main battery reload time was reduced from 3.5 to 2.8 s.
Detectability ranges were reduced:
- By ships from 7.66 to 6.86 km;
- After firing main guns in smoke from 2.75 to 2.44 km;
- By planes from 3.52 to 3.15 km.
EU Destroyer 

- Main battery reload time was reduced from 3.5 to 2.5 s.
Detectability ranges were reduced:
- By ships from 8.02 to 7.22 km;
- After firing main guns in smoke from 2.9 to 2.57 km;
- By planes from 3.46 to 3.12 km.
"Surveillance Radar" consumable was replaced with "Defensive AA Fire" consumable.
EU Destroyer 

- Main battery reload time was reduced from 3.0 to 2.0 s.
Detectability ranges were reduced:
- By ships from 8.02 to 7.22 km;
- After firing main guns in smoke from 2.9 to 2.57 km;
- By planes from 3.46 to 3.12 km.
"Surveillance Radar" consumable was replaced with "Defensive AA Fire" consumable.
EU Destroyer 

- Main battery reload time was reduced from 3.0 to 2.0 s.
Detectability ranges were reduced:
- By ships from 8.92 to 7.62 km;
- After firing main guns in smoke from 3.32 to 2.73 km;
- By planes from 3.95 to 3.38 km.
"Surveillance Radar" consumable was replaced with "Defensive AA Fire".
- Torpedo tubes reload time was reduced from 110 to 100 s.
EU Premium Destroyer 

- Main battery reload time was reduced from 2.5 to 1.8 s.
- Torpedo tubes reload time was reduced from 110 to 100 s;
"Surveillance Radar" consumable was added:
- Charges: 2 (3);
- Reload time: 180 (120) s;
- Action time: 15 s;
- Detection range: 7.5 km.
Torpedo parameters were changed:
- Torpedo range was reduced from 15 to 12 km;
- Torpedo speed was reduced from 86 to 76 kt;
- Torpedo detectability range was reduced from 1.8 to 1.6 km.
The original concept of European destroyers saw them excel at using torpedoes from long range while being highly vulnerable in close combat with other destroyers due to their high detectability ranges. However, testing showed that the detectability of these ships was too high: they were easy to find and destroy, either by focused fire or in a duel. We're now lowering their detectability ranges and increasing their main caliber reload speed to help them stand a better chance against other destroyers. The addition of the Defensive AA Fire consumable will improve their already strong capabilities against enemy planes. With the new consumable and improved parameters, Surveillance Radar would make European destroyers too effective in almost all situations, thus it was removed.
Småland has weaker torpedo armament, a slightly higher detectability range, and more reliable artillery than the same-tier researchable ship Halland. Her main gameplay feature is hunting other destroyers, using her Surveillance Radar to help detect them.
Småland has weaker torpedo armament, a slightly higher detectability range, and more reliable artillery than the same-tier researchable ship Halland. Her main gameplay feature is hunting other destroyers, using her Surveillance Radar to help detect them.
IMPORTANT! Because the information in this Article is tentative and reflects the state of game development at the time of its publication. Changes and new features may be removed entirely or implemented differently by the time the update goes live. Screenshots, specific values of certain characteristics, and details of in-game mechanics will not necessarily be relevant after the finalised information is released.