PTS 0.9.0 Round 2 British Heavy Cruisers

PTS 0.9.0

PTS 0.9.0 Revamped Arms Race and British Heavy Cruisers

The British Cruisers event, further technical improvements, and a revamped Arms Race mode. These, and many other improvements await you in the 0.9.0 Public Test! 

Special Features of the Test
You won't be able to get British heavy cruisers  V Hawkins,  VI Devonshire,  VII Surrey, and  VIII Albemarle from the random bundles in the Armory during the Public Test.

PTS 0.9.0 Round 2 & 0.9.1 Round 1

Countdown Countdown
Balance changes for "Arms race" mode:
  • Significantly increased efficiency of the buff, which restores planes' hit points;
  • Capture time for the key area will be 2 minutes instead of 2.5 minutes. Holding the key area will give 10 points each 2 seconds instead of 1 second;
  • Reduced the speed at which the key area becomes smaller;
  • The settings regarding turn-up and the number of areas with buffs on the map were altered.
bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug which caused ship classes to be shown in reverse order in the teams' list;
  • Fixed a bug which caused a message "Priority sector ready" to appear after the player's ship was destroyed;
  • Fixed a bug which prevented display of random bundles images in the Armory;
  • Fixed a bug which prevented sound notification about closing torpedoes from playing;
  • Fixed a bug which caused game crashes if the battle ended while AA Priority sector was on cooldown.
    Arms Race will not be available on the live server in Update 0.9.0.

    Combat Missions and Rewards:

      Play one Random or Co-op Battle.
      Reward on the live server: 3x each type of signal, except for special signals
      Play three Random or Co-op Battles.
      Reward on the live server: 10x Type 6 camouflage patterns
      Earn 8,000 base XP in Random Battles playing cruisers, destroyers, or aircraft carriers.
      Reward on the live server: 1x Wargaming container
      Extra Live Server Rewards:

      Winter Season
      Personal combat mission No.1
      Play 20 battles
      Earn 30,000 base XP
      Destroy 30 enemy ships
      Reward on the Live server: 2x Lunar New Year Containers

      The mission can be completed playing Tier VIII–X ships in Random Battles.


      • At the start of the Public Test, all participants will have Tier VIII ships helmed by   Commanders with 15 skill points credited to their PT accounts.
      • To enable participation in Operations, the following Halloween ships will be added to all Public Test accounts: Blade, Igor, Jackal, Urashima, Svyatozar, and Magnu-S.
      • To enable participation in the Raid for the Filth mode, the following Halloween ships will be added to all Public Test accounts: Steel Lancet, Rust Nightfall, and Maverick.
      • Research prices for ships and ship modules will be substantially💲discounted.
      • 500,000,000 Credits will be added to your PT account.
      • 14 days of Warships Premium Account Will be credited to all Public Test accounts.
      • A large set of  signals of all types (except for special signals) will also be added to your PT account to help you in testing.
      You must register your Public Test account (INSTRUCTIONS HERE) with the same email address as your live account in order to collect your rewards. No exceptions. If your Public Test account is registered to an email address that differs from your live server account email address, make sure you register a new Public Test account using your live server account email address.

      Enjoy 👍 and please leave feedback in your regional forum

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