ADDED: SEPT 27 2019
![]() | Yahagi Flag. Light cruiser Yahagi, having survived the heat of the battle in the Philippine Sea and Leyte Gulf, was assigned to accompany battleship Yamato on her final voyage. On April 7, 1945, Yahagi was sunk by an assault from American carrier-based aircraft. |
![]() | Japanese 🇯🇵 Tier V Premium Cruiser YAHAGI One of the Agano-class light cruisers – the new generation of ships designed to replace cruisers built in the 1920s. She was relatively small, quick, and sported powerful torpedo armament. |

Valued at 4000

Hit points: 25700.
Armour: 6~60 mm.
Propulsion: 100,000 hp
Citadel Plating: 6~60 mm.
Aft~Fore Plating: 13 mm.
Mid Deck Plating: 16 mm.
Turret Plating: 19 mm,
Superstructure: 10 mm.
Weight in Tons: 8534 t.

3 x 2 152 mm/50 Type41:
Firing range: 14.9 km.
Reload time: 9 s.
180 degree turn time: 30 s.
Maximum dispersion: 136 m.
Sigma value: 2.0σ.
152 mm Type4 HE
Damage: 2,600 hp.
Speed: 850 m / s.
Alpha Piercing HE: 24 mm.
Burn Probability: 13.0 %.
Air Drag: 0.356.
152 mm Type4 AP
Damage: 2,900 hp.
Speed: 850 m / s.
Ricochet: 60.0 + 8.5 deg.
Detonator Threshold: 25 mm.
Fuse Time: 0.025 s.

2 x 2 76.2 mm/60 Type89/HE MKII
Max Distance: 4.0 km
Damage: 1,300 hp
Reload: 2.4 s
Speed: 680.0 m / s
Type HE
Chance of Fire: 4.0 %

2 x 4 610 mm Quad/Type8:
Damage: 17,233 hp.
Reload: 120.0 s.
Speed: 60 kts.
Distance: 12 km.
180 Deg: 7.2 s
Visibility: 1.6 km.
Type: Normal.

Action Zone: 0.1 - 3.5 km
Continuous Action Zone DPS: 49
Chance of Hit: 90%

Action Zone: 0.1 - 2.5 km
Continuous Action Zone DPS: 182
Chance of Hit: 85%

Maximum speed: 35 kt.
Turning circle radius: 690 m.
Rudder shift time: 5.1 s

Surface detectability: 11.34 km.
Air detectability: 5.14 km.
Detectability after firing main guns in smoke: 5.28 km.

Slot 1:

Work Time 5s
Reload Time 90s (60s)
Slot 2:

Charges 2 (3)
Action Time 100 s
Reload Time 180 (120) s
Torpedo Detection Range 3.0 km
Ship Detection Range 4.0 km
Slot 3:

Charges 2 (3)
Action time 60 s
Reload time 135 (90) s
Fighter Radius 3 km
Fighters: x 4
Slot 4:

Charges 2 (3)
Action time 120 s
Reload time 180 (120) s
Maximum Boost speed +8%
() Denotes Upgraded Consumables