Slava Tier X Soviet Battleship 1950 (63,000 Research Points)


SOVIET FLAG Slava Tier X Soviet Battleship 1950

A battleship design developed after the end of World War II (Project 24). The ship constituted a further development of the Sovetsky Soyuz class, intended to counter US battleships of the Iowa and Montana classes.
Wows Gamer Blog wichitaSlava Flag
Slava was the name of several Russian and Soviet ships, including a sailing frigate, squadron battleship, Project 26-bis cruiser, and Project 1164 missile cruiser.
Slava Main Characteristics:
Slava was one of the design variants of a Soviet post-war battleship (Project 24) that was intended to counter American battleships of the Iowa and Montana classes. In World of Warships, this ship differs from other Soviet battleships in that her speciality is long-range encounters.
Key Features:
* Nine 406 mm main guns with a stock firing range of 24.7 km. In contrast to other Soviet battleships, you can mount Gun Fire Control System Modification 2 on Slava and extend the firing range of her main battery to 28.6 km.
* Her combination of accurate main guns, weaker survivability compared to other battleships, and three charges of the Repair Party consumable, means that it is sensible to primarily focus on long-range engagements.
* Decent concealment for her tier and ship type.
* Thanks to her permanent camouflage, she gets +100% XP and +20% credits per battle and enjoys a discount of –50% on the cost of her post-battle service.
Ship Name:   Slava
Tier:   X (10)
Is Paper Ship:   Yes
Class:   Battleship (BB)
WG Introduction:   Apr 19th 2019
Status:   Premium Ship
Ship Release:   :   ~0.9.7
Resource Purchase:   63,000
Nation:   USSR
Permoflage:  Level 10 Free
Current Status:   Final

Health Points:   63,800
Armour:   19~550 mm
Citadel  Fore Athwartship:   350 mm
Citadel  Aft Athwartship:  350 mm
Citadel Torpedo Bulkhead:   70 mm
Citadel Armor Belt:   350~370 mm
Citadel Deck:   150 mm
Citadel Bottom:   50~60 mm
Turret Plating:  254~550 mm
Conning Tower:   500 mm
Torpedo Protection Damage Reduction:   29%
Tonnage:   82,149 t

main battery
3 x 3 406 mm/55 B-52:
Max Range:   24.7 km
Reload:   33.5 s
180° Turn Time:   45 s
Dispersion at Max Range:   228 m
Sigma:   1.90σ

shell types

406 mm B-37 HE:
Alpha Damage:   5800
Alpha Piercing HE:   68.0 mm
Ammo Type:   HE
Shell Air Drag:   0.2
Shell Detonator:   0.01
Shell Detonator Threshold:   2.0
Shell Krupp:   250.0
Shell Mass:   890.0
Shell Speed:   870.0 m/s
Burn Probability:   40%

406 mm B-37 AP:
Alpha Damage:   12100
Ammo Type:   AP
Shell Air Drag:   0.2
Shell Detonator:   0.033
Shell Detonator Threshold:   68.0 mm
Shell Krupp:   2890.0
Shell Mass:   890.0
Shell Speed:   870.0 m/s

8 x 2 130 mm/60 BL-109A/HE-42:
Range:   6 km
Damage:   1800 hp
Chance of Fire:   8%
Reload:   4 s
HE Armour Penetration:   22 mm
Shell Velocity:   950 m/s
Shell Mass:   33.4 kg

aa defence
8 x 2 130 mm/60 BL-109A:
Action Zone:   ~6.6 km
Hit Probability:   75 %
Damage Within an Explosion:   1750
Continuous Damage Per Second:   193
Continuous Damage:   415
Number of Explosions Per Salvo:   8
12 x 4 57 mm ZIF-75:
Action Zone:   ~4.0 km
Hit Probability:   75 %
Continuous Damage Per Second:   476
18 x 2 25 mm 2M-3:
Action Zone:   ~2.5 km
Hit Probability:   70 %
Continuous Damage Per Second:   203

Maximum Speed:   29.5 kts
Turning Circle Radius:   1090 m
Rudder Shift Time:   16.3 s
Propulsion:   280,000 hp

Surface Detectability:   16.7 km
* Detectability After Firing MB Guns:   24.7 km
* Detectability After Firing Secondary Guns:   16.7 km
* Detectability With Ship on Fire:   18.7 km
Air Detectability:   13.7 km
* Detectability After Firing Secondary Guns:   13.7 km
* Detectability With Ship on Fire:   16.7 km
Detectability after Firing Main Guns in Smoke:   16.2 km

Slot 1:  Damage Control Party:
Work Time:   15 s
Reload Time:   80 s

Slot 2:  Repair Party.
Charges:   3
Action time:   28 s
Reload Time:   80 s
Regenerated hp per Second:   +459 hp/s
(Total hp regenerated per charge ~12,852 hp)


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