Bonus Code All Regions: Gives You a Combat Mission Chain for Anzac Day Rewards for NA, EU and Asia
Don't miss this amazing opportunity! Use this bonus code and get a Combat Mission for ⚓1x In Remembrance of Heroes Perm Camo or ⚓1x To the Fallen Soldiers of the Great Wars Patch 🎁🎉
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The bonus code will give you a combat mission for the following items below:
⚓1x In Remembrance of Heroes Perm Camo
⚓1x To the Fallen Soldiers of the Great Wars Patch
{getButton} $text={NA ANZACDAY2024} $icon={link} $color={blue} {getButton} $text={EU ANZACDAY2024} $icon={link} $color={green} {getButton} $text={Asia ANZACDAY2024} $icon={link} $color={orange}
To activate this bonus code on the World of Warships redeem code page, click the button for your region above. Make sure you are logged in to the portal to claim your reward, then log in to the game.
Grab the code now before it expires!
How to redeem your Bonus Code, Click the image below