PTS 0.10.1 Round 2: Updated Brawls - Italian Battleship Event


PTS 0.10.1 Round 2: Updated Brawls - Italian Battleship Event

  • A set amount of credits and XP per battle has been implemented for "1 vs 1" Brawls:
  • In case of victory, you'll receive 1,250 base XP and 125,000 credits
  • In case of defeat, you'll receive 250 base XP and 75,000 credits
  • The loading screen image was changed.
  • Fixed a bug which caused a negative number of players to be displayed when waiting in the queue for a Brawl.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the ship not to return to port after a Brawl battle in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the block with the ship's tech spec and the commander not to be displayed in the port after leaving the Armory.
  • Balance changes to several ships were made.
  • Fixed several other bugs.

The rewards for activities on the Public Test Server may differ from those on the Live Server. 
The new Italian battleships will not be available on the Public Test server.

In Update 0.10.1, WG have updated Brawls and made them a separate battle type, the seasons will be short and have a smaller team format. You can take part either in a Division or solo. It is possible to participate in Brawls without being in a Clan.

During the Public Test, two seasons of Brawls will be fought in the following format:

Round 1: 3 vs. 3, playing Tier X ships. Restrictions: a maximum of one aircraft carrier, battleship, two cruisers and destroyers per team
Round 2: 1 vs. 1, playing Tier X ships of all types
On the Public Test server, Ranked Battles will involve teams of Tier VIII–X ships (depending on the League) facing off against one another in a 7 vs. 7 format.

Round 2 Schedule

P.T.S 0.10.1 UTC

Combat Missions and Rewards


Play a Random or Co-op Battle.

Reward on the Live Server: 3x signals of each type, except special signals

Play three Random or Co-op Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 10x Type 6 camouflages

Earn 8,000 base XP in Brawls.

Reward on the Live Server: 1x Wargaming container

Achieve Rank 1 in the Bronze League of Ranked Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 1x each of the following special signals—Dragon, Wyvern, Red Dragon, Ouroboros, and Hydra

Achieve Rank 1 in the Silver League of Ranked Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 5x each of the following special signals—Dragon, Wyvern, Red Dragon, Ouroboros, and Hydra

Play 1 battle in the Gold League of Ranked Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 3x each of the following special signals—Dragon, Wyvern, Red Dragon, Ouroboros, and Hydra

One Wargaming container provides 1 day of Premium Account.

Starting Bonuses
* > Every participant of the Public Test will have all researchable Tier VIII ships, helmed by Commanders with 19 skill points, credited to their PT accounts.
* > The research prices for ships and ship modules will be substantially discounted.
* > Players will be able to reset Commander skills free of charge.

If you're joining the Public Test for the first time since Update 0.10.0 you'll be awarded the following additional bonuses:
* > 500,000,000 credits; 30,000 doubloons; and 90 days of Premium Account.
* > 50 signal flags of all types (except special signals) will also be added to your PT account.
How to Enter
Join the Public Test and obtain its rewards, Follow the instructions HERE.

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