Bug-Fix for Odin Dockyard and in-game Dockyard from your Browser

Bug-Fix for Odin Dockyard

Some of you may have encountered a problem due to which entry into the Dockyard was not possible or very slow to open. WG have prepared a fix to resolve this issue.

Direct Bug-Fix from WG

If you do not have a problem opening the Dockyard, you do not need to install this correction.

If you do have problems with Dockyard taking too long to open, you should follow this step-by-step guide:

1 > Close the game.
2 > Download the Patch Fix Below

3 > Unzip the archive (the «Install_patсh_fix_for_0.9.5» folder) to your WoWs game root folder

4 > Go to the unzipped «Install_patсh_fix_for_0.9.5» folder.
5 > Launch the file «apply-patch.bat»
6 > Apply changes by typing the number «1» to the window that appears, and press «Enter».
7 > Launch the game as usual.

If this fix doesn't help try this:
Copy the 2 unzipped files WorldOfWarships32 and WorldOfWarships64 and paste them in the respective folders, bin32 and bin64, worked fine for me :)

or Contact Customer Support.

If you come across any new issues that appear after you apply this fix, you can roll back changes by launching «apply-patсh.bat» again, choosing option «2», pressing «Enter» and then relaunching the game client.

Or, you can just use your Browser to access the in-game pages below. 👊😎

Portal Links to In-Game Pages


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