Ranked Sprint Season 9 Rewards, Rules, Ranks, Dates and Times World of Warships.

Ranked Sprint Season 9

Brace yourselves for heated naval action in a new season of Ranked Sprint that will be fought with Season 9 in Tier VIII ships in the Domination game mode. If you missed the previous seasons of Ranked Sprint and want to know more about it, our article is designed to answer your questions.

Brace yourselves for the upcoming two seasons of Ranked Sprint! the sprint can bring you as much as 500,000 credits; combat, economic and special signals; and up to  500,000 Credits 10,000 Coal for the Armory as a reward for attaining Rank 1.
  • A Ranked Sprint has more irrevocable ranks than a Ranked Battles season, and requires fewer stars for progressing.
  • Sprints last for 10–12 days and are mostly played on Tier V–VIII ships.
  • They usually include 10 ranks and 21 stars. It's enough to play about 50 battles to obtain all the rewards.
  • You can participate in Sprints in a Division with your friends.


      Countdown Countdown

        • Format: 7 vs. 7
        • Tier VIII ships
        • Maximum of one aircraft carrier per team
        • Game maps and modes: Greece, Hotspot, Sea of Fortune, and Shards—Domination mode

        • Divisions are allowed in Ranked Sprints.
        • The maximum number of players in a Division is two.
        • A Division can enter battle only if the opposing team also has a Division.
        • Each team can have a maximum of three Divisions.
          RANK 1:
          • Rank 1 is the highest achievable rank.
          • Players who attain Rank 1 can no longer participate in further battles of the current season.

          See you on the battlefield, Captains! ✌

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