Småland European Tier X Premium Destroyer Detailed Stats

Småland European Tier X Premium Destroyer

European FlagEuropean Tier X Destroyer europe flagSmåland (1956)
She was one of the ships of the Halland-class, largest and most powerful vessels in the Swedish Navy, later Smaland became the leader ship for her destroyer flotilla.
Småland Flag
One of the pair of large destroyers of the Halland class, launched in 1952. The ship was named after the historical province in the Southern Sweden, whose coat of arms is depicted on the flag.
ship details
Ship Name:   Småland
WG Introduction:   Dec 5th 2019
Tier:   X (10)
Class:   Destroyer
Type:   Special Ship
Ship Release:   Update 0.9.2
Resource Purchase:  Free XP   2.000,000   1 Credit
Nation:   Europe (Sweden)
Current Status:   Released

Hit Points:   19,200 hp
Overall:   6~20 mm
Hull Aft/Fore:   19 mm
Hull Mid:   19 mm
Deck Fore:   19 mm
Deck Aft:   19 mm
Deck Mid:   19 mm
Superstructure:   13 mm
Turrets:   6 mm
Tonnage:   3,400 tn

main battery
2 x 2 120 mm 50 bofors m1950
Max Range:   11.4 km
Reload:   1.7 s
180° Turn Time:   7.2 s
Dispersion:   101 m
Sigma:   2.0σ

shell types

120 mm M1950 HE:
Alpha Damage:   1750
Chance of Fire:   8%
HE Armour Penetration:   19 mm
Shell Velocity:   825 m/s
Air Drag:   0.322
Shell Krupp:   480
Shell Mass:   23.5 kg

120 mm M1950 AP
Alpha Damage:   2100
Detonator Threshold:   19 mm
Shell Speed:   825 m/s
Air drag:   0.322
Shell Krupp:   2 400
Shell Mass:   23.5 kg

torpedo armament
1 x 5/1 x 3 533 mm Torped m1947
Reload:   100 s
180° Turn Time:   7.2 s
Range:   12 km
Damage:   10700 hp
Speed:   76 kts
Visibility Distance:   1.6 km
Reaction Time:   7.8 s
Chance of Flood:   ~173%

aa defence
2 x 2 120 mm/50 Bofors M1950
Damage Within an Explosion:   1890
Damage by Long Range AA:   144 hp
Continuous Damage:   375 hp
Priority Sector Reinforcement:   35%
Hit Probability:   100%
Action Radius:   ~6.0 km
Number of Explosions Per Salvo:   6
6 x 1 40 mm/70 Bofors M1948
1 x 2 57 mm/60 Bofors M1950
Damage by Mid Range AA:   347 hp
Hit Probability:   100%
Action Radius:   ~4.0 km

Maximum Speed:   35 kts
Turning Circle Radius:   660 m
Rudder Shift Time:   4.3 s
Propulsion:   58,000 hp

Surface Detectability:   7.82 km
Air Detectability:   3.47 km
Detectability after Firing Main Guns in Smoke:   2.82 km

Slot 1:  Damage Control Party:
Work Time:   5s
Reload Time:   90s (60s)

Slot 2:  Engine Boost.
Charges:   3 (4)
Action time:   60 s
Reload Time:   150 (100s)
Speed Boost:   +30% (Max Speed 45.3 kts)

Slot 3:  Repair Party.
Charges:   2 (3)
Action time:   14 s
Reload Time:   120 (80s)
Regenerated hp per Second:   +192 hp/s (Total hp regenerated per action 2,688 hp)

Slot 4:  Surveillance Radar.
Charges:   2 (3)
Action time:   20 s
Reload Time:   180 (120s)
Detection Radius:   7.5 km

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